Monday, March 21, 2011

Nintendo 3DS Hands on....

Seems now a days you just can not bring anything up without the word 3D. First movies, then video games, and now 3D pictures. Though roll all of these things into one device. It's called the Nintendo 3DS. Could it be an awesome feature or just a trick up their sleeves?

The device is nice in size. Lightweight using a smooth analog stick, regular d-pad, 2 shoulder buttons and 4 buttons. If you have used a DSI before then nothings really new there. The speaker was quite nice and loud. Though I'm betting you want to know about that 3D huh? There's a level to the right of the screen. To adjust the intense of the 3D. This can be kind of confusing. Turning the level up. Can be the right for some but not for others. Also with holding the device away from your eyes is recommended to experience the full effect. This could be a problem when game time reaches over the 30 minute mark. Onto the two games I was able to demo.

 Pilotwings Resort

The game ran quite smoothly as I guided a plane around the resort. The 3D is ok  but nothing mind blowing. I will say I did experience the screen jumping between 2D and 3D when moving the device around. It was not only annoying but down right terrible.  Instantly distracting me from enjoying the game. The only way to avoid this factor from what I notice. Is to stay very still. Not quite a good idea for a mobile device if you ask me.

AR Games

First I played a augmented shooter game in which you snap a picture of anyone's face. Then that face is mapped upon these robot heads. That you have to shoot down before they tear the screen apart. The controls are very simple but easily fun for anybody. The 3D overall wasn't too noticeable but the use of the camera was the awesome effect here. This game is really meant for in doors. As you will be moving around and might appear to look quite stupid in person.

The other camera game involved us pointing at a card placed upon the table. Then on the screen 6 little boxes appeared. Only  being able to pick the arrow shooting game. We started off aiming our shots at targets placed on whatever popped off the table. It's really hard to explain just how it truly works. Though it does very well. At the end we fight against a dragon. Which not only do you have to move around the table to get open shots but also to avoid it's attacks. The only problem I ran into on this game. Is as soon as the card is out of the camera view. The game basically stops until you place it back in view. This simply kills the fun for a game in which you are moving around.

For the price it's a very hard sale. Most people I have talked with are completely sold on waiting for a price drop. Sure the 3D could be a gimmick but with what Nintendo has in store. I'm sure it's an easy decision for most gamers to make. If your already didn't have a handheld before or don't own an up to date phone. Go ahead and purchase. Their are enough features to keep you busy until better games come along. Though if your the opposite wait to see not only what pans out in a few months but to see what Sony has in store for their NGP.

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